Monday, September 10, 2018


Brandon isn't able to email back since the system is shut down nationwide. You can still email me him through

You will have to set up an account just as you did for the other website. Brandon wanted me to apologize that he can only reply through letters so include your return address so he can respond. Remember that you will need his DOC # which is 179321.

Just to let you all know, his last post was lost somehow so he is working on a new one which should go up tomorrow or Wednesday. He likes to have a post at least once a week but sometimes depending on his SWIFT schedule he can't get them out as quickly as he would like. 

Thanks for checking in and as always, the emails, texts and letters are so very much appreciated. 

As soon as we hear anything regarding the Community Corrections. I will post on here with the good news of his acceptance, because getting denied is not an option! :)

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