He is currently in Rifle, as I previously said, he left for the Oak Meadows Fire the morning I was there to see him. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, the fire was small and they were back in Rifle 2 days later.
There are almost 10 fires burning in Colorado as of today and his team is sitting in Rifle waiting to get put back on the board so they can go back out. There was some sort of drama with someone doing something stupid so they are all just waiting around for that to get taken care of. Brandon is so frustrated and having his first weekend without visitors since he's been there.
We are heading back to Colorado Thursday, so I'm not holding my breath he will still be in Rifle come next weekend. Of course that would be great if he's out on a fire, but we would miss seeing him again...prison problems.
Brandon sends his love and appreciates the letters, hearing the comments/texts about the blog and apologizes about the email situation. The good thing is, he has had time to catch up on his blog posts so hopefully it'll be up by Monday or Tuesday. Happy 4th of July from all of us!
Brandon Stephens, Weld County Jail, Wood Group, Sentenced, 5 Years, Prison, NFL, DRDC, Rifle Correctional Center, Colorado Department of Corrections, Jail, Judge Quammen, Steve Wrenn, Weld County, Executive, Oil, Gas, White Collar, Wood, BYU, Masters Degree, Colorado State University, SWIFT, Firefighter, Wildland, Sawyer, Fire, Inmate, Brandon Stokey, Miracles, Centennial Community Correctional Center, Delta Correctional Center, DRDC, Denver Diagnostic and Reception Center, Felony, Sallie Stephens, Greeley Tribune, Judge Thomas Quammen, DA Steve Wrenn, Weld County Court, Oil & Gas,. Halfway House, Centennial Community Correction Center, CCTC, Felon, 416 Fire, Silver Creek Fire, Spring Fire, Cabin Lake Fire
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